Mar Thoma Sabha Lectionary

06 October
Voluntary Evangelists’ Sunday: Every Marthomite is a witness to the Kingdom of God (20th Sunday after Pentecost)

13 October
Day of the Differently abled: All are created in the image of God (21st Sunday after Pentecost)

20 October
Youth Sunday, Youth: Period of Life with meaningful vision (22nd Sunday after Pentecost)

27 October
Christian Family Dedication Day, Family: Celebration of Relationships (23rd Sunday after Pentecost)

03 November
Kudosh Eetho: Sanctification of the Church; Beginning of the Liturgical Year; World Sunday School Day: Jesus Christ who embraces children

10 November
Hudos Eetho: Renewal of the Church; Festival of Unity of CSI, CNI, and Mar Thoma Church, Unity of the churches: For the witness of the Kingdom of God

17 November
Annunciation to Zechariah: God who fulfils promises

24 November
Annunciation to Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary: The model of dedication for the people of God; Diaspora Sunday

01 December
Beginning of 25 Days Lent, Meeting of Virgin Mary and Elizabeth: Mutual acceptance of two partners in God’s salvation plan; Bible Sunday

08 December
Birth of John the Baptist: the child set apart for the divine plan and the family that nurtures him accordingly

15 December
Annunciation to Joseph, Joseph: the Model of discipleship for the People of God

22 December
Arrival of the Saviour of the World

25 December
Birth of Jesus Christ: Peace on Earth; End of 25-day Lent

29 December

31 December
Into the New Year with the God of Hope
Josh 1:1-18 Exod 3:1-16
Deut 6:1-9 1 John 2:1-16 Luke 2:42-52
Gen 47:1-10 Ps 103:1-12 Matt 6:19-44
Acts 7:44-54 Heb 8:1-9
1Thess 4:13-18 1Thess 5:1-22 Gen 50:1-26 Ps 90:1-17 Ps 91:1-16
2Cor 5:1-10 Col 3:1-10 Rev 21:1- 5:1-21 17 John 11:1-57
John 14:1-31 John 15:1-27 John 16:1-33 Rom 5:1-21 17 Matt 25:1-46
John 14:1-6 Ps 103:8-17 Rom 8:31-39
Deut 26:1-11 2Cor 9:1-9 Phil 4:10-20 Matt 7:7-12